Argentina: Unanimous vote! Entre Rios province creates more protection for Guaraní Aquifer region and prohibits “The prospecting, exploration and exploitation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons by non-conventional methods, including the fracking technique.” This on top of over 50 municipal bans across the country.

Dear Diego and All who have been part of this historical fracking ban,

Wonderful news, we rejoice with you All, your success encourages us all even more to continue in our efforts globally to keep our water, land and air, communities, municipalities, provinces and countries frack free!

Warm wishes,

Marilyn Lilley

South Africa

‘Entre Ríos is the first province free of fracking by, May 2, 2017 [Google translate]

Between rivers

A historic achievement for Argentina. After a struggle for many years, the Chamber of Deputies of the province of Entre Rios unanimously approved, on Tuesday night (25), the law that prohibits the hydraulic fracturing technique, known as fracking , in all its extension. With this initiative, the province is the first in the country to become definitively fracking free territory .

“This achievement is the result of joint efforts, union and struggle of various organizations, assemblies and social movements. Mainly the work of the Citizens Assembly of Concordia, the Regional Forum Against Fracking, the Argentine Movement without Fracking and the Assembly of Integration for Free Territories of Fracking had a great weight. In addition, the work carried out by Argentina and COESUS Latin America (Latin American Coalition against Fracking for Climate, Water and Sustainable Agriculture) has been a reference, becoming the locomotive of the fight against this technology in the whole country, ” Said Ignacio Zavaleta, member of the Fracking Free Territories Integration Assembly.

According to Juan Pablo Olsson, a member of Argentina without Fracking and coordinator of campaigns of Argentina, the work also extends to the provinces of Rio Negro, Neuquén , Santa Fe and Buenos Aires, where similar proposals are being discussed and the initiative must To be replicated soon. “This approval shold be a stimulus for a much greater struggle, at the national level and with the accompaniment of other brother countries like Brazil, where Fracking has been banned in more than 300 cities, Uruguay, where it was already banned in Five departments, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and others.

… The project approved in Entre Ríos links two proposals, one written by the exdiputada Maria Emma Bargagna (Expte. 20,834), and another one of the Executive Power (Expte. 21.206), and prohibits the exploration, exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons by nonconventional methods, Including fracking . In addition, the project highlights the importance of water preservation and care with the Guaraní Aquifer, the largest freshwater reservoir in the world.

2017 05 01 Agentina, Entre Rios province completely bans fracking by unanimous vote

The issue reached the provincial legislature after the actions of the environmental assemblies nucleated in the Regional Forum against the Fracking achieved that more than 30 councils deliberative establish the prohibition in their localities. The session filled the room of the House of Representatives and approval was received with applause by representatives of anti-fracking movements present. The office has the signature of ten deputies.

Deputy Gabriela Lena welcomed the work done in the Commission and noted the importance of having a provincial law. “I was part of a similar initiative in Chajarí, which was limited to the local ejido, but having a regulation that regulates this throughout the province is very important, because what is at stake is our environment, that we must care for Future generations,” the lawmaker said.

The fracking activity not only contaminates aquifers and air , but also causes a high consumption of drinking water, generates atmospheric pollution by the emission of greenhouse gases by using more than 700 chemicals and causes serious damages to human health And animal. In addition, exploration of unconventional oil and gas is preventing many families from continuing their traditional apple, pear and cherry production activities. Small farms are trapped between the towers of the fracking , and there is no guarantee that the water reaching the fruit will not be completely contaminated.

See full text of the law:


The Commission for Lands, Public Works, Natural Resources and Environment has considered the Draft Law – Expte No. 20.834 / 21.206, which has been revised, which prohibits exploration, exploitation and exploitation of hydrocarbons by hydraulic fracturing throughout the province (Fracking); And, for the reasons given by its informing member, advise the approval, in the same terms presented, of the following text.


ARTICLE 1 – The prospecting, exploration and exploitation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons by non-conventional methods, including the fracking technique, is prohibited throughout the province of Entre Ríos.

ARTICLE 2.- The Enforcement Authority shall exercise pertinent and timely preventive actions to guarantee the protection of rainwater, surface and groundwater, including the Guaraní Aquifer.

ARTICLE 3.- The Environment Secretariat or the body that will replace it in the future will be the Authority to control this standard.

ARTICLE 4 – Invitase to the member Provinces of the region seated on the Guaraní Aquifer System to legislate in the protection of the same.

ARTICLE 5 .- Communicate, etcetera.


Commission Room, Paraná, April 19, 2017.’ [Emphasis added]

Global-Frackdown Entre Ríos province in Argentina bans fracking!

Enormous victory! It becomes the first province of the country, on top of over 50 municipal bans across Argentina. It creates more protection to the Guaraní Aquifer region, a transboundary watershed that stretches through Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. One of the biggest in the world.

The regional movement (Foro Regional Contra el Fracking) was pushing for more restrictive regulation, but they were finally not taken into account the representatives. They will keep pushing to remove all possibility of oil and gas extraction, conventional or unconventional. The already obtained numerous victories.

Press article can be found here:

All the best,


Observatorio Petrolero Sur | OPSur

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Miembro de la publicación latinoamericana Energía y Equidad.
Coordinador latinoamericano de la red internacional del sur global Oilwatch.
Miembro del Enlace por la Justicia Energética y Socioambiental, el fracking en debate.

|||||| ¿Por qué la crisis energética?

|||||| Frente al Territorio Crudo, por una Argentina libre de fracking.

Por el Área Natural Protegida Auca Mahuida Libre de Petróleo.

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