ERCB meeting with local officials in the Lublin Province, Poland

Meeting with local officials in the Lublin Province by the Polish Exploration and Production Industry Organization, July 28, 2011
On July 27, 2011, Paul Ferensowicz – an expert of the governmental agency ERCB operating in Alberta (Canada) paid a visit to the seat of the Lublin Radio. … In his speech, Paul Ferensowicz presented the functioning of a regulatory system model developed by the ERCB. … Among the primary objectives of the organization, Ferensowicz enumerated the following: protecting the public interest, taking care of the environment and the efficiency of exploitation. Despite numerous regulations imposed on enterprises by ERCB, he made the following point:…“we shape the conditions that businesses have to comply with but we do not introduce any regulatory mechanism without prior consultation with the investors and environmental and business organizations. The system is an open one and as such it needs to represent the interests of all stakeholders.” According to Ferensowicz, reliable information on the exploration and production activities is also essential: “It is of great significance for state and local authorities, as well as knowledge institutions, to collect and deliver data to the society. Any propaganda should be abandoned for the sake of fact-based communication”. [Emphasis added]

[Refer also to:

How Alberta Will Fight Fracking Folk Hero Jessica Ernst, In famous flaming water case, regulator to argue ‘no duty of care’ to landowners or groundwater by Andrew Nikiforuk, January 16, 2013, ]

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