Tory agenda on fracking is approaching Goebbels lie proportions

Tory agenda on fracking is approaching Goebbels lie proportions Press Release by Vanessa Vine, August 12, 2013, Frack Free Sussex and BIFF: Britain and Ireland FracK Free
With its bizarre and disturbing mania to force this ecocidal industry upon us, the Tory agenda on fracking is approaching Goebbels lie proportions.

The Prime Minister’s desperate and dishonest treatise in the Telegraph today is utterly jaw-dropping and shows him to be on an increasingly desperate trajectory of political suicide.

The man is empowered to legislate for our safety.  How DARE he deny the dreadful suffering of hundreds and hundreds of people in the frack fields of Pennsylvania and beyond?  How dare he tell us that this short-term quick-fix corporate folly will bring down energy bills, when experts from Ofgem and Deutsche Bank .. and even Cuadrilla’s own PR people say otherwise?

How DARE he try to tell the British people that he can regulate an unregulatable industry?! The man is unworthy of office and ought to be deeply ashamed of himself.

He needs to wake up and smell the insidiously odourless methane now  – and while he’s at it, to get a conscience.  The British people are not stupid, they are listening to the myriad uninvested voices around the world exposing the truth about this industry – and they do not like being lied to.

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